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Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong 香港金域假日酒店

Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong 香港金域假日酒店

50 Nathan Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道50號

Tel: (852) 2369 3111

Fax: (852) 2369 8016

*場地資料及相片均轉載自 Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong

Crystal Ballroom

The Crystal Ballroom offers endless possibilities that are enhanced by 40 sets of ultra-modern Gobo lights which enable you to project up to 60 special lighting effects across the room. A choice of six matching wedding colour theme for the chair coverings and tablecloths to bring a special touch of individuality and character for your wedding. 

7,657 sq ft. Crystal Ballroom is designed with versatility, it can accommodate up to 48 tables for your wedding banquet. Built with high ceiling, pillar-free and glittering chandeliers, the elegant space offers an ultimate venue to unfold your perfect day.

Decoration Reference

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