Regal Kowloon Hotel 富豪九龍酒店
71 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2722 1818
Fax: (852) 2369 6950
*場地資料及相片均轉載自 Regal Kowloon Hotel
Regal Kowloon Hotel

Special moments should be commemorated with style and flair. From birthday parties to graduation meals to full moon celebrations in honour of a baby's first month. Regal Kowloon Hotel can help you plan and execute the perfect occasion. We handle all the details, including the design of the venue, the menu and the all-important cake, so that you can concentrate on making sure your guests.
Montparnasse 蒙百樂廳 I-VI (2/F)

Longchamps 露華廊廳I-II, Luxebourg 盧森堡廳I-III, Tivoli 芊妍廳, Versailles Ballroom 凡爾賽廳 I-II (3/F)
